SMASH Academy Featured in Forbes Magazine

“SMASH hopes to intervene before minority students drop off from STEM subjects by engaging with these students and offering expanded opportunities.” — Forbes Magazine, April 1, 2013

Our Summer Math and Science Honors (SMASH) Academy was featured in Forbes Magazinealongside LPFI partner organization, InternMatch, in an article which discusses ensuring workplace diversity through high school STEM initiatives and internships. As Ashley Mosley, InternMatch’s Community Engagement Manager stated, “It’s all about addressing diversity from the ground up.” Read the full article here:!

We are thrilled to share this article with our community, as it demonstrates the impact of LPFI’s work on the national dialogue around workplace innovation, and the momentum we are gaining toward achieving our mission of eliminating the barriers faced by underrepresented students of color in STEM and fostering their untapped talent for the advancement of our nation.

You can read the Forbes article below, as well as another recent piece by InternMatch, which cites LPFI’s research on the relationship between students dropping out of STEM prior to college and the lack of diversity that currently exists in the tech industry (for more on diversity in tech seethis CNN article).

SMASH Academy and Level Playing Field–Recent Press


           “How To Promote Diversity With Your Internship Program” 
Forbes Magazine, Heather R Huhman, April 1, 2013


“Job Seekers Want Honesty, Why Companies Should Share their Diversity Numbers on Their Career Page”
-InterMatch, Nathan Parcells, March 3, 2013